June Over...Already?
Yes, it's hard to believe. The month has flown by. I've somehow managed to keep myself occupied, or at least feeling busy, even though I know I really haven't been that busy.
Went to a tuition hearing yesterday in Fergus Falls. Saw some MSUSA colleagues and heard some good testimony. The short of it is that school is getting expensive.
The dining service RFP is coming along, and I will welcome the break from reading drafts weekly. Soon we'll be waiting to see what bids come in. A break from weekly RFP reading means I should have time to review the 77 pages worth of MSUSA policy and procedure to be reviewed in July. Sounds fun, eh?
Tonight was the last night at the Calling Center. Part of me will miss it each week. Some days it got old repeating the same survey or pitch all night, but overall it was a decent job to have and good experience. In addition, my coworkers were great and I think we all had fun.