Sunday, June 17, 2007

I've Got an Interview...

On Thursday I received a call for an interview. It's for a student life coordinator position at a community and technical college in southern Minnesota. (Won't say which one here yet for fear of jinxing it :-) ) Obviously this excites me...It's one of the positions I applied for that really stood out as something I would enjoy and be good at. It involves working with their student clubs and orgs, student government, etc, and would be a great opportunity and a solid start to a career in student affairs.

The scary part is that this will be my first "real", well, my life. I've had a couple of jobs but there was not much of a formal process. The closest thing to an interview process I've had was when I applied for Senate positions, which hardly qualifies as job interview experience.

I guess all I can do is be myself and answer the questions to the best of my ability. I know how unlikely it is to get the first position you interview for--but I also know I can and want to do this job.

Here's hoping things go well come 2:15 Tuesday afternoon.


Sharon said...

With your extensive background in campus organizations, this job sounds perfect for you! All the best! I will be waiting to hear the good news!

Alicia said...

Well, how did it go?! You're keeping me in suspense here... I hope it went well. You're more than qualified, my friend! Best to you!