Saturday, November 08, 2008

Witness to History

This post is a few days late, but it is the first chance I have had to sit down and blog since Tuesday's election. America made history that day as we elected our first African American president; as the citizens of our country sent a clear message that we need serious change to the current direction of this country.

Mom and I were there on Tuesday evening as Barack Obama gave his victory speech. Yes, we were blocks down, behind a fence, watching on jumbotrons...but we were in Grant Park to witness history in the making along with 250,000 others.

Friends in Chicago had warned it might not be a good idea...that it would be too crazy. Yes, it was crazy, but people were really nice, and well mannered. They were showing CNN on the screen before he spoke, and while people clapped and cheered when Obama took a state, there was not an outcry when McCain did. A few boos in the crowd, but nothing out of hand. No one went nuts, and no one rioted in the downtown streets.

We did agree that we'd never seen so many people in one place before. It was quite the experience.

And now, it will be interesting to watch the next steps unfold, as President-Elect Obama puts together his administration-January 20,2009 can't come soon enough.


Sharon said...

I kept thinking... now young children of ALL races can have a dream come true in their lives, also!

Aspen said...

That's awesome that you were there to witness such an historic event!