Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Obama Takes Office

Today, Barack Obama became the 44th President of the United States. Whatever your political stripes, it is hard to deny the excitement, anticipation and history surrounding this day in our country.

Yes, Presidential Inaugurals happen every four years, but this man is not just any President. This is a man whose story, personality, and ideas have energized and inspired people in a way not seen in a long time, if ever. In only a few short years, he catapulted from the Illinois Statehouse to the US Senate and now to the Presidency.

How interesting it was to watch the transition of power play out with much pomp and circumstance today. But in the morning, the party will be over and the real work will begin for our new leader and his team.

This is a time of great concern in our nation. I believe our new President is equipped to meet the challenges he faces. It will not be easy, and things may not improve as quickly as some people would like. He is after all only one man, and not a perfect man...there will be missteps along the way. Still, I have reason to hope that the next four years will be good for America.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

Nice summary of the situation, Berne. I was so proud to vote for the first black president. I also voted for J.F.Kennedy, the first Catholic president. Hard to believe in today's world, but that election was very controversial because of his religion!