Saturday, May 14, 2005

Another School Year Gone

It's hard to believe, but my 3rd year at BSU has come to a close. It seemed to fly by very quickly. I survived all my classes and the most recent round of finals, and now I settle in for another summer in Bemidji.

Commencement was yesterday...congrats to all the graduates!! Lots of friends and acquaintences in that ceremony. It is kind of seems as though the majority of the people I've come to know here and interact with on a regular basis are older than I am. Needless to say I've seen quite a few come and go in my time here.

I know most of these people will keep in touch, but I'll miss the day to day things...probably more so with Senate people than anyone else. Getting "Fired" on a daily basis, laughed at for a crazy quote, being teased for my crazy sayings that apparently no one has heard of, or hearing "Hey Bernicus!" as I am shaken from my momentary slumber in one of the lovely orange recliners in the office. And we musn't forget ex-Senators who ask you where your hat is as soon as the temp drops below 50.

I hope they know how how much the little things have meant to me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Bernicus!

Or should I say "Patootie Goombah"? I've been in that boat many a time in my life, and although people will tell you "you'll make new friends" nobody can take the place of the J-trio in your life, and no one should. I hope they do keep in touch with you (as I will...face it kiddo you're stuck with me! LOL) and I'm confident they will. And on the other side of the blog entry here, As far as the thing's you'll miss, I'm going to miss being one of those people to get a good chuckle outta your sayings and randomness. And since I never woke you up from the recliner, I guess all I have left to say is "REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR HAT!" LOL! ~Sadie