Sunday, April 30, 2006

Four Years of MSUSA...and it Isn't Over Yet

Good conference this weekend. The meetings went well, and I think we had fun. It was low key, there was good discussion, and evenings were calming...the way I like it, but not the way it always goes.

It is hard to believe yet another year of conferences has come to an end. Seems like yesterday that I was attending my first conference, and that was nearly four years ago. I may not have loved every moment of every conference, but each experience, each person I have come in contact with has impacted me. Taught me. Many of them have become friends.

This morning I accepted the association's yearly MVP award. I've never really thought of myself as an MVP, but I am humbled and honored by the thank you.

And looking forward a fifth year ahead...

1 comment:

Julie said...

Very over due...congrats!