Friday, August 25, 2006

Information Sharing

This evening I got a visit from my new RA. At the same time as he introduced himself, he also advised me of the new tuition payment within five days of class starting or be dropped. That would have been well and good, a friendly reminder. But then he proceeded to tell me that based on information he had been given, he knew that I hadn't paid yet. (Waiting for arranged course paperwork to go through so I know what I actually owe)

Something's wrong with that:

1) Don't feel like you have to advise me of my status with regard to policies I knew about before you even did.

2) What business is it of yours who has and has not paid? I have to wonder what Residential Life was thinking giving that kind of info to student staff. My account status is between me and the Business Office.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I agree with you on it not being appropriate. Maybe something should be said to Residential Life? I don't think your info should be going out to anyone but you. Way uncool.