Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Still on Senate, No Longer a Senator

Today I did something I never thought I'd do...I resigned from my Senate seat. No, I am not giving up Senate, but I took a nonvoting position as Special Assistant to the Cabinet. Essentially I'll be a consultant and work to impart my "institutional knowledge" to younger folks as I gradually prepare to move on. This is, of course, my final year.

This will be the perfect way to finish out my "career." However, I must admit it will be a tad odd to participate in discussion and then not chime in with a vote for the first time since I've been in the organization.


Sadie said...

What the...?

Julie said...

why in the world did you do that?
is senate full?

Kathleen said...

Though I admire that you still want to participate, even if you can't vote... Don't you feel a little like Costa Rica or Washington D.C.?