Friday, October 21, 2005

A Good Week...and I'm Number 1

Well, yet another few days have passed without a blog update. This has actually been one of very few times thus far in the semester when I can say I've had a stretch of very good days.

Tuesday I returned to classes and the office with stories from Monday at the high school, which almost made up for the lackluster response to my Methods paper. I don't know what it is this term, but some of my writing is not at its usual level. I'm definitely in a personal writing slump. But the day redeemed itself again when I realized we had all the conference arrangements done in record-early time.

Wednesday's Senate meeting was a riot. I've said it before and I'll say it again...BSU administrators are the best in the system. The Pres. and a VP came and stayed for the ENTIRE MEETING. They'll do this occasionally, and it's great. At most schools, the Pres. rarely shows up to Senate meetings, let alone stays the entire time and seems to enjoy it.

Yesterday continued my streak of good days. I found out I was reelected to Senate. #1 with 150 votes of 401 cast. Pretty good percentage on a ballot with 24 people. It is nice to know that students recognize the work I do. The results made the day doubly awesome because I also got my Lit Crit paper back that had worried me so much...and I got an A!!

Finally, today I think I did well on my Urban Politics test. And when I went up to turn it in, Beech says "I like your new scooter. It looks like Xzibit pimped your ride or something." It was funny, and I wish more people would've heard...that guy cracks me up.

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