Monday, June 26, 2006

Weekend in Review

This was a nice weekend. It brought some relaxation time with friends and family and was quite enjoyable.

Friday after finishing up at the office, I ventured into downtown Minneapolis to have dinner with Brent and Derek. It was an adventure given that I don't go down there often, let alone take the bus. But I made it down to Brit's on Nicollett Mall. We had a nice dinner and then walked back to their place which I had not seen. Looks great, and the neighboorhood seems nice. I always enjoy those two...great people indeed.

Saturday brought Mom's birthday. We went to a graduation party, and shopping at her favorite Mall of America store, a candy shop that sells Pez dispensers. The day finished off with a great dinner at Mancini's...if looking for a good steak, try it.

Finally, Sunday was a day spent outside, helping with a bit of yard work.

Yes, a nice weekend indeed.

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I've recently been told this blog is kind of random.

Looking back at some entries, I realize that is kind of true.

Oh well :)

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

When News Makes News

Isn't it strange when as you read the daily paper or watch the nightly newscast, you find that that paper or newscast has in fact made the news itself? How dumb they must feel reporting on themselves.

Today I noticed that Dan Rather is leaving CBS News. It seemed only a matter of time really...he didn't like being forced out of the anchor chair and they didn't like his screwup on the Bush National Guard story a couple of years back. He'll land somewhere, although if I were him I'd say age 74 was a good time to retire.

Meanwhile, over at WCCO, coincidentally our CBS station in the Cities, they're pairing Frank and Amelia at 6 pm. Big surprise there. Not really, anyone who watches TV news in these parts probably saw it coming the minute KARE decided to dump Frank in favor of Smilin Mike, who looks rather like a plastic doll in some shots.

The question really should be: when newscasters make news themselves, with all the moving and shaking, is it a sign that TV news is less about news and more about entertainment?

Summer Posting

I have to agree with Aaron....posting in summer can be hard. After all, as I've said before, my life just isn't that exciting. Yet it almost feels like I should be updating at least once a week to keep the jucies flowing and let any readers I may have know I'm still alive.

So, world, forgive the sporadic nature of my postings these next couple of months. Of course I've ever really updated on a schedule have I?

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Riding the Bus...

Is proving interesting already. Yesterday I was told "hope you heal, brother!" and today was confronted by two missionaries on bicycles as I walked from the stop back to my house.

What will tomorrow bring?

First Days

Yesterday and today were my first days in the MSUSA office. I think it will be a good experience there. I enjoy the people, which makes for a nice working atmosphere. It will be interesting to spend the summer in the office and see a little of what goes into the daily operation of a student association.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

5 Things

Julie tagged me with this quiz. Here it goes.

5 Things in the Fridge:

-Pop (Squirt, Diet Pepsi Twist, Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper
-Pork Chops (to be cooked tomorrow on the George Foreman Grill)
-Leftovers (hamburgers, beef roast)

5 Things in my Closet:

-Rubbermaid totes containing goodness knows what
-Extra slippers
-Green cap and gown from high school graduation
-Old/spare jackets

5 Things in my Purse (well, how about wallet)

-ID's (BSU, MN driving permit)
-Credit Cards (Visa, Herberger's and Best Buy, the latter two I never use)
-MN fishing license
-Blockbuster Video card (for the one across from Maple)

5 Things in my Car:

Well, I haven't been inside my van for a long time...goodness knows what the parents threw in there since the last time I drove...maybe I should clean it out :)

5 Things I Wish I Was Doing Right Now:

-Hanging in this house with more than just cats
-Vacationing with the 'rents
-Hanging out with friends
-Watching a movie

5 Things I Like About my Bedroom:

-My Bed
-Alarm clock
-Stringer of fish pillows
-Trunk full of keepsake
-Bookshelf full of books and other various things

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Idleness, and a Bit of Reflection

It occurs to me I have not blogged much lately. Perhaps it is because my life has not been that exciting. I go to bed late, get up late, surf the net, do dishes...etc. There is only so much to do when you have nothing productive to do. The free time was fun for the first couple of weeks but now it is getting old...I am used to having things to do. June 12 can not come soon enough (the day I finally start my internship work).

I am nearing the end of my solo week. It will be nice to have others in the house again. And good for the cats...they have been acting strange, I think they sense that Mom and Dad are missing.

The other day I found myself looking through some things and came across a box of cards written to me when I graduated high school. An interesting trip down memory lane. It's hard to believe four years have passed; the time flies cliche is really true. Got me wondering what has become of some classmates, the majority of whom recently graduated. For me, though, it's another year of the "college life." And knowing what lies at the end of that year, I'm perfectly fine with that.