Sunday, June 04, 2006

5 Things

Julie tagged me with this quiz. Here it goes.

5 Things in the Fridge:

-Pop (Squirt, Diet Pepsi Twist, Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper
-Pork Chops (to be cooked tomorrow on the George Foreman Grill)
-Leftovers (hamburgers, beef roast)

5 Things in my Closet:

-Rubbermaid totes containing goodness knows what
-Extra slippers
-Green cap and gown from high school graduation
-Old/spare jackets

5 Things in my Purse (well, how about wallet)

-ID's (BSU, MN driving permit)
-Credit Cards (Visa, Herberger's and Best Buy, the latter two I never use)
-MN fishing license
-Blockbuster Video card (for the one across from Maple)

5 Things in my Car:

Well, I haven't been inside my van for a long time...goodness knows what the parents threw in there since the last time I drove...maybe I should clean it out :)

5 Things I Wish I Was Doing Right Now:

-Hanging in this house with more than just cats
-Vacationing with the 'rents
-Hanging out with friends
-Watching a movie

5 Things I Like About my Bedroom:

-My Bed
-Alarm clock
-Stringer of fish pillows
-Trunk full of keepsake
-Bookshelf full of books and other various things

1 comment:

Michael said...

Wow, with all those wild and crazy things in your house I can tell that you live on the edge, man.