Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election 2006

Well, yesterday was certainly an interesting one. I spent it in the office hanging out and answering election queries before heading over to the local DFL celebration with other friends.
Hanging out at a party soiree like that was a new experience It was a good time, and the energy was positive because they did very well.

Let's see:

  • Moe won re-election and Olson unseated Ruud.
  • Amy Klobuchar becomes MN's first woman US Senator--and I met her the other day.
  • DFL took control of MN House and kept Senate, but Pawlenty kept the Governor's office. It will be interesting to see how things play out over the next couple of years.
  • Democrats took US House and the US Senate, Of course they will have to contend with Bush and vice versa...which means a slow couple of years.
  • The Event Center passed, albeit by a slim 44 votes.
The downers...
  • Michelle Bachmann wins the 6th...UGH!
  • Hal and Zac both lost to incumbents. They are both young and will (hopefully) try again some day.

1 comment:

Nolan said...

Hal is running in 4 yrs. He'll have an open seat and I think we'll see a former St. Chair as a MN Senator.