Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Tragic Coincidences

In the spring of 2002, I was a Senior in high school. That was the year I was on Student Council, so I wanted to experience everything that Council was part of, even the Junior/Senior Prom. Yes, it meant breaking a Fishing Opener tradition, but Dad was ok with that...there is an Opener every year and only one Senior Prom.

Since I wasn't seeing anyone, my friend Tina set me up to go as her sister's date in a group with her and some other friends. Except for her, none of us was dating the guy or gal we accompanied so it was just a fun evening shared with friends.

That same year, my sister accompanied her then-boyfriend, who was a Senior like me. They had a wonderful, memorable evening as well.

Fast forward...

Labor Day 2003: My friend, the sister of my prom date, is killed in a motorcycle crash.

Thanksgiving Day 2006: The brother of my sister's former boyfriend and 02 prom date is killed in a motorcycle crash. The cycle had been a birthday gift just weeks ago. He was 20.

Both college sophomores, wonderful kids and so full of life. Both siblings of our prom dates. Both lives taken far too soon. An eerie, tragic coincidence.

If one needed a reason never to get on a motorcycle, this is it.

Rest in Peace, Tina and Brandon. Know that those of us who knew you will always remember the wonderful people you were.

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