Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Celebrating Our Friend

This morning I attended the services for Jared. It was a packed house...the kid was sure loved by many, many people. It was nice to see so many of the current and former student leaders of MSUSA there. It's often said that the association is like a large fraternity or extended family. And just like a family, people may not always agree but in the end they come together to support one another.

There were plenty of tears and lots of hugs, but also lots of laughter. His sister told a few great stories, and the pastor remarked about having Googled him and coming across the posts from I Don't Hate America. "I'm not sure the meaning of that, but I'm glad you don't" he said, eliciting a chuckle from many of us.

In another funny moment, Jared's father came over to our table during the after-service gathering. Upon learning I was a grad of BSU, he tried to get me to sing the school song and do the school cheer, since he attended BSU as well. One problem--I am a bad Beaver and can't do either from memory. He started singing and the entire table cracked up. As JJ said, we know where Jared got his sense of humor.

I'll close this entry with a quotation of Jared's that I have seen in several places the last few days as folks have reflected on his life. It speaks to his passion for leadership and is really how those of us that are student leaders or who strive to work with students professionally should look at each day. It will also be placed in the sidebar as the first of my new "Quotable Quotes" series.

"I know it sounds corny, but at the end of each day, I ask myself, 'What have I done for students today?' And if I can't answer that question, then I have to put students first the next day."
-Jared Paul Stene 1985-2007


Sharon said...

Very nice tribute, Berne!

Leland said...

Its extremely nice to see that you all got together to celebrate his life. Too many people now a days mourn death which I think is an insult (personally).