Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas Weekend 2007

I had a nice, relaxing, somewhat low key Christmas weekend.

Saturday: Did my shopping while Mom went to the grocery store. Was quite aggravated by it. Note to self: Stick to the SuperTarget near home. Going to other Targets that are arranged differently is confusing.

Sunday: Helped clean and bake cookies, watched movies.

Monday: Lazy morning for me. Mom finished baking. Dad was working and so was Jena, so Mom and I went to an open house some friends were having. Dad cooked the traditional steak dinner, although the meat was poor this time...we will not be getting steaks from that grocery store for a while! Waited up for Jena to get home from Duluth and went to bed.

Tuesday: Was up around 10:3o and we sat and watched TV for awhile. Jena was not feeling well but we woke her up long enough to open gifts about 2 pm...probably the latest Christmas "morning" I can remember. Made the usual calls to relatives. Mom, Dad and I went to see family friends for Christmas dinner, which was a very nice time. Upon arriving back home, met Jena's new boyfriend who had come over.

What I Got:

  • "Bad President" page a day calendar that counts down Bush's days in office.
  • A new all-in-one printer/copier/scanner to replace my aging printer that sounds as if it could die any time.
  • A black cashmere overcoat...I had commented recently that my other winter jackets are not really appropriate to wear when I am dressed up for interviews, weddings, or whatever.
  • A scarf to go with the coat.
  • A new pair of slippers.
  • A deodorant/cologne gift set
  • Some stationery items since I enjoy sending people notes from time to time.
  • Some Reese's candy
All nice things that will prove useful to me.

A Merry Christmas indeed.


Sharon said...

Sounds like a wonderful Christmas, Berne! Would love to see you in that coat!!! (Hint: PICTURES!)

Leland said...

Yay, so you did get out to do your shopping.

Sounds like you had a good Christmas!

Julie said...

I got a calendar like that too! Wonder if it's the same one...