Thursday, January 26, 2006

Random Thursday Night Ramblings

An update, random snippet style. It's been a good week...

Started job number two on Tuesday. Between it and the lab, with all this time spent around Apples and people who love them, I may yet become a true Mac Stud. (See link) We shall see. The other day I finally figured out what podcasts are--thanks to listening to the sales pitch.
AA Committee Exists!
Had a committee meeting Tuesday, and for the first time have members, including a new recruit, whom it was an absolute pleasure to meet after months of emails and Facebook messages about the committee. I am so happy to have people, unlike last semester.
The big debate...
I've been reading (and participating in) the blogging debate that seemed to envelop the Blogs and Wikis class. I think some people's comments might have been misenterpreted, but ojn the other hand most of us know each other (it's really a growing network of bloggers here at BSU. The debate wasn't like this in my's interesting to note what a new group brings to the fore.
Senate meeting...
Brought a bit more craziness than usual. Next week will bring some real fun as we attempt to find out why someone in networking is holding up the laptop plan.

And finally...Kimmy Gibbler?
Yes, I saw the name on a Battle of the Bands poster. Why would someone name a band after the dorky neighbor on "Full House"?

1 comment:

andi said...

i don't remember why they named themselves kimmy gibbler...but my gosh...they rocked the ballroom. you would have liked them.