Saturday, February 04, 2006

Frivolous Lawsuit Over iPods

Some people are just dumb. It's being reported that some guy is suing Apple claiming that iPods damage your hearing:

iPods May Cause....Eh?

They have a term for this kind of litigation: a frivolous lawsuit. It is not news that portable music players can potentially damage your hearing, be it an iPod, any other MP3 player or even an old-school walkman.

Yes headphones and earbuds are not great to have in your ears for prolonged periods at high volume. DUH! That's a lesson I learned in middle school music. So, if you listen to your iPod at a volume so loud people can hear it 10 feet away, yeah, you're hurting your ears. Not a new phenomenon. To blame Apple, and brand iPod a "defective" product is just plain stupid.

So, my response to the plaintiff in this case is: Turn down the volume, doofus!

1 comment:

Sadie said...

It's like comedian Bill Engvall says (paraphrased) "warning labels on something means that a person's been dumb enough to try it then wrote a letter to the company complaining about the end result!" Then he goes on to talk about the warning labels on things like deoderant should not be applied to one's eyes, and so forth. SHEESH!