Monday, February 13, 2006

Manic Monday

I've received some comments lately that I seem very busy. Well, for a student I probably was illustrative of my always on the go tendencies:

7am: Wake up

8 am: At work in Computer Store, where I would be until about 11:30

12 pm: At work in Ed Lab, where I would blog, check email, and attempt some homework in between answering questions. There until 2.

2 pm: Office hour

3 pm: Time for Shakespeare

4 pm: Lib Ed Task Force meeting

5 pm: Legislative Affairs meeting, where we continued to hash out the Constitutional changes

6: 30 pm: Presentation about Senate to Media Writing class

7 pm: Time to eat again

7:30-8:45: Start Homework. Devote time to Anotated Bib for Pol Analysis and discover that finding scholarly sources on topic may be difficult. Make mental note to see prof sometime before class tomorrow for suggestions.

9 pm: Hall Council, always quick

9:30: Back to annotated bib search, with a little MSN chat interspersed

11:00 Give up on that search for the evening and decide to write this blog entry.


J*me said...
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J*me said...

^ that was me I had a typo so I deleted it and revised. But wow you sure are busy! You inspire me to become busy and keep on so that I can finish this spring. We have Shakespeare together but you probably don't know that since I've been missing class. I showed up Monday and I was too late. I don't know I took this course and finished it last year but got an Incomplete because I didn't turn in a paper. Had a rough year last year. Now I'm re-taking it. I'm going today so I'll see you. Has he said anything on the midterm yet?