Sunday, March 12, 2006

Summit Update

It's Sunday afternoon and we have just finished the "conference" portion of DC Summit. This year, we had roughly 120 people from 17 states. We would really like to see more frojm other states next time (40 plus are from MN), but being that the Summit is only in its second year, it is still growing.

Had a good slate of workshops this year on a variety of topics. Did a lobby training game that students from the other states loved. We broke into teams and pretended to be from different states. I was on Team Maine, and while we were not victorious we had a great time.

This afternoon brings time to relax before lobby meetings on "the hill" interspersed through the next two days.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Scooter or wheel chair?
You missed the blizzard by the way.