Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Summit Wrap Up...and I'm Still Here

Lobbying Day 2 went well. Had a nice meeting with Betty McCollum and another with Mark Dayton. Both are quite nice people and very supportive of students, so the meetings were enjoyable.

Saw the rest of the group off at Union Station last night before heading to my hotel for the evening. A nice Best Western, but a rather iffy area of town. I safely made it to and fro, but likely would not stay alone in that area again if given the choice.

Today I putzed around for a bit, rode around and found this evening's dwelling. Presently sit in a Barnes and Noble/Starbucks across the street catching up on email. blogging, and working on a midterm. They arrive in about 3 hours, and I've been told the element of surprise surrounding my presence is generally intact.

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