Friday, January 04, 2008


Alicia Asks:
*hopping up and down like a little kid* Any news yet? Any news yet? Anything?!(Must selfishly know...) ;P

I can now say that I have an official application in for a posted position and my contact says she'll be in touch. The wheels are turning.

In other news today:

Obama Wins Iowa: It will be interesting to see how this plays out. It's a major feather in his cap, but I think it is too early to call anyone the front runner on either side. I'm somewhat surprised to see Huckabee break the top tier for Republicans as well, but he may be too far right for most of the country.

Britney Breaks Down: Is this honestly a surprise to anyone? The woman is such a trainwreck it's not even funny anymore, it's downright pitiful.


Sharon said...

First of all, I love the new look! Very clean and business-like!

All good luck on the job!!! Sounds very promising!

Oh, and yes, Britnay is a big joke. Too bad that two innocent children have to watch this fiasco.

Leland said...

The thing I hate most about this whole Britney thing is that I've seen a lot of people on tv saying that she is suffering from psychological problems. And that's why she's been doing all the things she's done.

So what? Does that mean that she automatically gets to NOT take any responsibility for her actions????

Oh, I will be moving to Canada if Huckabee becomes president. He's crazy.

*Good luck with the job!