Friday, February 18, 2005

Blogs at BSU: Why Not?

Toward the end of our discussion last night, we got to talking about the use of blogs at BSU, and a big question: When, if ever, will we have them attached in some way to the University? (eg offer something like UThink).

The desire to blog is certainly here, not only personally but in an academic sense. As Morgan points out, it is a teaching tool that can be used widely if it's organized and implemented in the right way. We've already got the test cases (Weblogs and Wikis etc) lets give it a shot.

I'll go a step further...we're a fairly small school looking for ways to grow. The University knows it has to attract students, and students are becoming more tech savvy all the time...if we can show them that there is space for student weblogs, wikis, and websites exists, combined with courses that are using the new technology (WW, Elements of E-Rhetoric, TWWT, etc) , it might encourage them to take a closer look at our programs.

1 comment:

Alicia said...

I would also go so far as to say it will expand the sort of degrees we offer. We really don't have much in the way of "professional writing" courses at BSU. Weblogs and Wikis is just one step towards offering courses that would fall under the "professional writing" part of the BFA's name. In the future, BSU could also look at getting an MA in Professional Writing or at least allow our MA in English students to declare a focus or minor in professional or technical writing. Now that would definitely draw attention. Having researched how many true MA in Professional Writing programs there are out there, I believe we would be up there with the best of them, especially with our wide-range of offerings in creative writing. Together, they are a lethal force in the graduate studies world!