Saturday, February 12, 2005

Internal Affairs...Round Two

Jake and I Spent today in St. Cloud at an MSUSA Internal Affairs Committee meeting. It was actually really productive, better than I thought. All of the schools seemed to be agreeing on things for once. Basically, our job is to put together a revised set of Articles of Operation/Bylaws to present to the Delegate Assembly in April. It's a lot of work, we're pretty much looking at revamping the structure of the organization.

It was actually, dare I say, fun. When going through something like this, its interesting to find out some of the history behind why things are the way they are, and realize that you are really impacting the future...assuming all the proposals eventually pass. We're looking at big changes to committees and board. And it was a really relaxed atmosphere, which was nice.

But alas, the fun has just begun...we go back in two weeks.

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