Saturday, September 15, 2007


Is Blogger being funky for anyone else?

I tried to make changes to my layout and it looks TOTALLY messed up. The new improved layout tools have mutinied on me! Everything is still there but I can not move anything within the sidebar...every page element is piled on top in the center, no matter which I select.

So, until I get this figured out, enjoy my really old "classic" template that was archived before the switchover to "new" Blogger.

Any thoughts, readers??

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I hear you, Berne! It can be frustrating!

I finally figured out how to move things in the says at the top...'click and drag elements'. So I tried it, and it worked!

I had to play around with it for a while, though. And adding a picture to the top, well, you get the layout that THEY want!
Good luck!