Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Missing College Life...

Some observations...

The other day, Dad said something to me about my odd sleep habits. You see, I still stay up pretty late and in turn sleep later in the morning. He wants me to start rising earlier...

My response was that I'd like nothing more than to have a REASON to get up earlier. I'm starting to realize how much I miss having a somewhat predictable schedule of getting up between 6 and 7 because I had to be somewhere at 8 or 9. There was always a meeting, or class, or work to go to and things to do that pretty much occupied my days on campus.

I miss classes. Not the homework, but the feeling that I was using my brain, my storehouse of knowledge on a daily basis.

And I think I miss my monthly travels. As much as conferences were work and drama filled, they were fun...and an excuse to get away from one's daily surroundings. As much as I griped when Cody called them "vacations" I think there was an element of truth to it. I haven't been out of town in a couple months and mentally I feel like I should be going someplace soon.

Things must change soon.


Sharon said...

I can relate! Over 30 years of teaching, then 5 years at BSU... I still wake up early, but now in my ADVANCED OLD AGE I take naps in the afternoons.

How is the job search going?

Alicia said...

I know the feeling, my friend. When we first moved to MI, I didn't have a job, and I was taking the semester off from school. It would have been too hectic to have applied and then started right away when we moved here (the "winter" semester starts usually on the 7th or 8th or somewhere around there). I felt like I was melting away! I didn't even read--I had zero motivation. I started to become an insomniac, and it was the worst three months of my adult life thus far. But I got a job at a bookstore (crappy job but still something), and it got me up and out of bed. I felt so much more motivated--I started reading again, and I applied to grad school, got a fellowship, and an assistantship for the fall, and I finally had something to look forward to.

What I'm trying to say in all my ramblings here is that this too shall pass. If you want to get a job to just get by, go for it, but honestly, since you're on the hunt for your career, it might be better to not get a crappy part- or full-time job. It might not be worth the hassle. Plus, they couldn't afford you. :)

Hang in there, and keep reading and writing and thinking, which I know is oh-so-hard to do. Join a writer's group, or get involved with the local government. Anything that could help.

I'm going to ask what Sharon asked, as well: How is the job hunt going? Any leads, or bites? You'll get there. Keep on keepin' on!