The Year's New Crop of BSU Bloggers
Weblogs and Wikis, the original reason for the existence of this blog, is back in session. Check out the Spring 2007 crew on the New Daybook.
My Life in Blog Form: Thoughts and insights from my insanely awesome mind
Weblogs and Wikis, the original reason for the existence of this blog, is back in session. Check out the Spring 2007 crew on the New Daybook.
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10:32 PM
Labels: Blogging
In the week since I last posted...
True show time was Thursday…my first full lesson of my own design with both sets of 9th graders, and the first observation by my University Supervisor in 4th.
Both periods went pretty well, although I did make some minor changes to 4th based on what happened in first. Overall, I got pretty positive comments, and we discussed some things to work on:
-Timing: too little group time in first, but almost too much in 4th.
Interaction-Because I stand to the left of the overhead and lean on that desk, I sometimes don’t give that side of the room enough attention…we came up with a couple of strategies to combat this.
I also realized 4th hour might have been more responsive because I have been in front of them three times this week, whereas today was my first experience teaching first. The class that is more familiar with me probably was more comfortable responding.
Big surprise? How quickly a period goes by when you are actually doing the teaching.
Today was an inservice day...I enjoyed the sessions I attended on Apple Universal Access and podcasting. Keynote speech was kind of dull.
T-minus one week until I take over 9th grade on a daily basis. Yikes.
Had a good conference in Winona, although it was not without the requisite bumps that always seem to accompany them. I always enjoy seeing my colleagues. Having the day off on Friday was also nice as I was able to catch up with campus errands and visit with Pat about my thesis, and also with Mark.
Posted by
10:17 PM
First day of the term went well. All three classes seem good…although I have to wonder if the rabble rousers are simply on their best behavior early on. We shall see after a few days.
I had my first go at instruction today. I took over a portion of the vocabulary activity in fourth hour after seeing Kristin go through it with first. It went pretty well, although I inadvertently skipped over one of the words on the overhead and we had to backtrack for a moment. Oh well, one of the lessons of the day was “It’s ok to make mistakes” and things were figured out and back on track pretty quickly.
And the second oops…we ran out of English 9 syllabi in fourth hour. So much for triple checking the numbers before they were submitted to copy.
Today’s biggest surprise…how young some of the freshmen seem! Was I really that “little” back then?
Posted by
9:03 PM
Labels: Teaching
Well…the Wednesday morning backlash was averted…the exams were graded on a curve.
I spent the remainder of the week prepping and did some observation. Our kids finished exams and project presentations and then watched films on Friday, the last day of the term.
Tomorrow we get all new students. I am looking forward to taking a more active role in the classroom as I transition into teaching them. It will be fun.
Posted by
9:34 PM
Labels: Teaching
At 7:30 am this morning, as I’m walking out the door, I get a phone call from Kristin. Her daughter is sick with the flu…there will be a sub again. She says she’ll be stopping by the school to leave plans, and asks me if I’d be willing to lead classes for the day. I say yes, figuring I could use some practice before I actually take over classes next term.
First and fourth hours have exams. The Con Lit. kids are to do a sort of write your own test exercise, which to me would be a gift, as there is really no “wrong” answer. Instead…I hear “this is hard” and “this is stupid.” Few finish in the 90 minutes given, but I follow instructions and have them turn in what they’ve got. The situation is similar for the Fantasy Lit group, only they have predetermined questions. A few don’t finish and some others are done far too quickly it seems.
Third hour, Personal Writing, is the most interesting of the day, as they are finishing their journal projects and while doing checks I get a glimpse of the work. It looks like a fun assignment.
My biggest fear for tomorrow? Backlash from the students who did not finish the exams—they’ll ask for more time, complain, and perhaps try to blame it somehow on Mr. C…but I think Kristin agrees with how I handled it based on our phone chat during prep.
Also was thankful the sub was there to help monitor things. I’m still working on the finer points of classroom management and the need to watch some students more closely than others.
All in all though, I would consider my unplanned day at the helm a good one.
Posted by
8:49 PM
Labels: Teaching
On Friday a student approached my desk and told me he’d seen the article about me in BSU’s Horizons publication, where I was featured as a “Senior to Watch.” It was the first time a student talked to me about my “student” life as opposed to my “teacher” life. I have not shared much about myself with these classes, as they will be gone in another week. We had a brief conversation about picking a college. He said he’s considering BSU for business…another potential Beaver in the making.
Also on Friday I was reminded that school in Bemidji is a bit different from my experience in high school. As part of my units I will need to incorporate essays, so I asked Kristin if I needed to build in time in the computer lab. She said yes. This momentarily surprised me until I was reminded that the number of students who have computers at home is probably fewer here than where I went to school in the Twin Cities. At my high school, one was simply expected to turn in typed papers, there was no lab time given. A simple reminder of subtle differences.
Posted by
12:12 AM
Yesterday, the folks at Apple unveiled the much anticipated iPhone. An intriguing product, to be sure, even to folks like me who question the need for "smart phones."
The three biggest problems:
1) Cingular Wireless...have not heard good things about them.
2) The $599 price tag
3) The fact it isn't even available till June.
Posted by
10:50 PM
Labels: Apple
Sometimes kids hear what they want to. For example:
Student: "We get the whole hour to work on our short stories, right Mr. Christiansen?"
Me: "You'll get some time, but how much is up to Ms. Smith"
Student: " Yesterday, you told us we'd have the whole hour, didn't you?"
Me: "Nope, that's not what I said."
Ultimately, they got the full hour anyway.
I had a couple more cracks at grading today. The teacher will assign the points, but I was asked to give a letter grade. Grading is something it will take time to get used to. To me, the As, Cs, and Fs are pretty easy to peg, but it is sometimes hard to tell where a paper fits in between when there is no cut and dry correct answer, which is frequent in English. I guess it's good that I'm getting some practice now, before I take over the classes and am expected to assign grades on my own assignments without quite as much oversight. Practice makes perfect, they say.
Posted by
10:36 PM
Labels: Teaching
I ran my first class today. My cooperating teacher had some training for first hour, and although there was a sub, she asked me to run the class. I didn't have to instruct, just monitor group discussions. All in all, it went very well...the students were on task and seemed to listen ok.
I think they are getting used to my presence. I was asked legitimate questions for the first time today, and someone actually addressed me by name. It is a good feeling to know that students are starting to view me as a c0-teacher in the room rather than simply a random guy who sits at a desk and watches what's going on.
Fourth hour brought my pet peeve...well, one of them. A student right in front of me was sleeping in class, and persisted even after being told by both of us to wake up and do something. I find sleeping in class disrespectful. I mean, come on, even teachers are tired sometimes but how hard is it to stay awake for an hour until one gets to go home?
Posted by
8:40 PM
Labels: Teaching
Well, I survived my first week as a student teacher...well, three day week anyway. It wasn't too tough, since the first few weeks are mostly observation and preparation.
Of course Wednesday, each hour started off with kids whispering "Who's that guy?" I was introduced but won't get to know this crop too well, since the new semester starts in two weeks, and the new semester means new kids.
Thursday I had the experience of a fire alarm, and of working with a sub for the afternoon. I had to supervise one class in the computer lab, and was reminded how dumb some kids must think I am...I may be new to this, but I'm pretty sure messing around on AOL.COM has nothing to do with schoolwork.
Friday I was told I could go explore the school while an exam was being taken. I walked around and found some places...the IMC, the mail, the copy room and etc. and introduced myself to folks in those areas, including some administrators and secretaries. I am still amazed at the expansiveness of the building...significantly larger than my high school, yet with fewer students...who probably don't realize what a facility they have.
The biggest adjustment so far is settling into the role. It is strange walking into a school and realizing you are a teacher and not a student. Even then, I think it's kind of an in between stage for first few days...the kids don't know me, I don't know them, and they're not "my classes", so it's a lot of feeling my way around and figuring out how much "authority" or lack thereof I have to do things as simple as telling them to get on task when my cooperating teacher steps out to run to the office or another room and leaves me "in charge."
It's going to be an interesting and fun few weeks, to be sure.
Posted by
4:26 PM
Labels: Teaching
Well, I am back in Bemidji after 10 days at home. What did I do?
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10:09 PM
Friday evening I had the pleasure of visiting with my good friends Brent and Derek, and another friend of theirs. I also had the chance to keep a long standing promise to go out on the town with them in Minneapolis. Stops included The Saloon and The Local.
Yes, if you know Minneapolis, you know one of those is a gay bar. This was after several reassurances that yes, I had no problem going if they wanted me to go along, and I could handle a little "culture shock." Really, I found it to be not much different than your average club except for the preponderance of men. And an evening with friends is always enjoyable no matter where one is.
Perhaps the funniest part of the whole thing was explaining where I had been the following day.
My mother: "You danced??!"...yes, and I usually do not.
My sister: "Did anyone hit on you?"
My friend RS: "Oh, I've been to The Saloon!"...this from the last person I would ever expect to go to a gay bar, being that she is both straight and not a bar fly at all...and is under 21. Apparently she went with a friend on 18+ night.
Quite the evening.
Posted by
11:30 PM
Happy 2007 to everyone in the Blogosphere!!
Posted by
11:09 PM
Labels: General