Tuesday, November 02, 2004

For Some, Election is More Than Just Politics

As I sit here, reading blogs and watching election returns, I am reminded that for some voters, this election is about more than war, the economy, or even politics. It's much more personal.

I came across this post on one of the UThink blogs I read fairly regularly, in regards to family values. An excerpt:

" ...the whole conversation started when i said why i wasn't voting for bush. bush's idea of family values is so warped and archaic, they would do much more detriment to today's family's than good. i see my survival and happiness as my main goal in life, and thwarting Bush is key to succeeding in that. What's worse, if he wins, I see it as reaffirming the policy of keeping homosexuality in the shadows, as something that is inferior and isn't talked about.

If Kerry wins, I'm gonna tell my parents."

For this particular blogger, the results of this election will be key to making a big decision in his life...be truthful, or stay in the shadows.

No matter what your beliefs, it's an awfully powerful statement about the difference who's in office can make for so many people. Mr. Bush seems to want to regulate the unregulatable...morality.

Morality and politics should not mix.

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