Thursday, November 18, 2004


I've often said Advanced Writing is a crazy class. It's also a place where colorful language is sometimes used in papers and general conversation. It's just the general makeup of the group. Not to mention that people cussing is a fact of life.

Today I said "shit" --Lindsi was surprised. She said it was the first time she'd ever heard me swear. I found this funny, because I actually do it fairly often, maybe it's just not in public. Who knows...

It got me thinking about the newest "game" in the office, which seems to be to get me to cuss. People think it's hilarious because I can never seem to get the words off my tongue without laughing...especially when I'm around people. Maybe it's because swearing implies anger and I'm not an angry person.

I did have to mention that my language goes downhill when the website isn't cooperating. You shoulda heard me when I was transferring pages...plenty of shits, damnits, and even the dreaded F-Bomb.

So yes, even I, swear.

1 comment:

bizefingers said...

I've only ever *heard* you swear in your blog, and even though it was only in print, it still shocked me.