Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Small World!

By now, I've mentioned several times that I frequent the U of M's blog site. There are a few blogs on there I read pretty regularly. Every so often, I'll click on something random in the recent posts list just for fun.

Well, a couple weeks ago, I happened upon a blog entitled "Obst's Blog." It appeared to be a blog written for some kind of upper level writing course. There were links to blogs of other people in the class. I looked at a few entries, and it appeared to me that thse students are working as tutors in a writing center.

Sounds pretty run of the mill...just one of likely hundreds of class blogs being kept at the U. Except for one thing--I realized I had attended high school with someone by the same name as the blogger. Being that I am from the cities and a large number of people from my graduating class went on to the U, it was not beyond the realm of possibility, but still a long shot. I left a comment anyway for the sheer fun of it.

Well, as it turns out, they looked up my blog in class (Which in itself is rather cool) , and the blog Dan Obst IS the same Dan Obst who I went to high school with. Of 772 blogs at the U, I came upon one of someone I know, at random.

Proof that even the Blogsphere is a small world.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

hah! I like that approach better.