Tuesday, October 02, 2007

The Interview

My interview yesterday went fairly well. It was a little more laid back and less intimidating than the others I've done, mainly because it was with one person instead of a larger panel. The job sounds like it would be decent--much heavier on the sales aspect than public school admissions, but I think it would be good experience.

This was apparently the first round of two. She said she had a bunch more to do, so it may be a little while before I know whether a second interview is going to happen. If so, it would be with the campus director and the regional admissions director--they have 13 campuses in several states.

A callback would be a positive development, and my fingers are crossed as I continue to search postings and prepare more materials to be sent out.


Sharon said...

Sounds positive! Here's hoping!!

Alicia said...

Good luck, my friend! You will find something great. Just stay optimistic!