Friday, October 15, 2004

A Positive Morning Meeting

This morning, on my day off, I woke up and headed over to Deputy for a meeting with BSU's new VP of Administration. Yes, Senate addicts work off days and weekends. He actually apologized for requesting a meeting on day with no classes, but I didn't mind because I had to visit the high school this afternoon anyway, so it wasn't really a day off for me.

I'm sure meeting with administrators sounds like a torturous activity to most people, but it's really not. BSU's "top brass" is great, probably the best of the state universities. We are lucky here--our administration actually gives a rip about what students think. We may not always agree with their decisions, but they at least give us the time of day.

This was the first one on one meeting I've had with this new guy, and I must say it was one of the best I've had with any administrator in a long time. We met for about an hour and covered a lot of ground. There seems to be a genuine interest on his part to make changes around here that we've been requesting for a long time; to make measurable, documentable progress on things like security and campus accessibility. And it seems that when we ask him a question, we're gonna get an honest answer in a reasonable period of time. No more waiting 2 or 3 months after repeated reminders.

I left his office feeling energized. It's always a guessing game when you start working with someone new, but I think we've got a winner in this guy...someone who will be willing to help us make BSU better. Of course time will tell, but so far things look really good. Yet another sign we're headed for a banner year senate-wise.

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