Sunday, October 03, 2004


It's almost 2 on this Sunday afternoon, and I must say that this weekend has been completely unproductive. I have so many things I need to do: work on papers, work on Ed Psych take home test, read, and so much more. Instead I'm sitting here watching Real World. On top of that, I have a headache and have been experiencing problems with Blogger all day. It did finally publish, and I now have a counter in the footer. Plus, I found some templates for the web team to consider while I was on Bravenet. Next, I'd like to add a tracker.

I guess that today has not been a total wash, but I suppose I better buckle down and do some work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...unproductive weekend? Hey it is all are supposed to relax on the weekend. Mine was quite fun-filled, but I also finished my power point presntation this evening. YAY!! So how do you put taht counter on your page?
