Monday, September 06, 2004


I am blocked. I am sitting here in front of MS Word, as I have been for much of the evening, and I'm struggling. I'm attempting to write a piece on "adventure" for Advanced Writing, and find myself devoid of things to say. I'm not what I would consider to be an adventurous person. I just deleted two or three paragraphs worth of work because it sounded stupid and made absolutely no sense. Of course, those who know me well would say I rarely make sense anyway :)

Back to the drawing board.


Angel said...

Geez... must be the night for that sort of thing. I was having the same problem. Different project tho; mine was a writing exercise for Fiction I.

Berne said...

Yeah, I finally got something written after what seemed like forever. Ended up writing about coming to college. Now, off to bed.