Wednesday, September 15, 2004


I was having a conversation today in the office about homework. It is highly over rated. Isn't going to a full load of classes, working part time, and giving your all to activities you love already more than a full time job?

I realize though that I actually LIKE my Weblogs homework. Why? Because this is it...keeping this blog. And keeping this blog doesn't feel like work to me. It feels like something freeing, calming--something I've wanted to do for a long time. It's a place where, within reason, I can say what I want. I can reflect on my day, my activities, my web adventures or my frustrations with the world. I can be serious. I can be funny. I can be reflective. I can even be corny and stupid on occasion, its just part of the adventure that is blogging.

Isn't that great?

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