Monday, September 27, 2004

New Energy

Tonight I had a late night meeting with Jake, Julie, Kate, Michelle and the MSUSA Executive Director and Assoc. Director of Campus Relations who are in town to drum up support for MSUSA's next big tuition campaign. These two guys are both new to the organization, and I must say that thus far I am impressed. If someone had told me last year that MSUSA Staff would be at BSU twice in two weeks (there's a MN Senate Higher Ed Committee meeting here next week, and the ED is returning for it), I probably would have dropped dead of a heart attack brought on by total shock. Campus visits outside of conferences were just not done in the "old" MSUSA. It's like a totally new concept...bring the organization to individual Senates, and more importantly, to the students who pay for it!!

These two have so much drive and dedication--it's so refreshing to see. I am actually energized to get up and go into the office at 8 am and work with them. Hopefully this will also be a chance to drum up some support/volunteers for Student Senate.

To quote a Celine Dion song, (yeah I'm a dork), "A new day has come" for MSUSA, and its awesome!!

1 comment:

Berne said...

We'll certainly be looking at Security issues on campus. People need to feel safe here.