Sunday, September 12, 2004

Blogging Blogs: "Bunnie's Knitting House"

Once again, I found this blog by chance using Blogger’s NavBar. No, my dear readers, I have not suddenly taken up knitting. I do, however, remember reading in Rebecca Blood’s book that many people like to set up blogs specific to their hobby or interest. Naturally, when I saw a blog titled Bunnie’s Knitting House, I realized I had found one of those “hobby blogs”.

The blog is fairly new, started this August. The blogger says she started because she had seen friends do it and thought it might be fun to start keeping one. She sets up in her first post that she is a perfectionist and knitting helps her to overcome that. Anyone who’s ever made anything by hand knows that mistakes come with the territory.

The blog seems to serve two purposes:

As the title indicates, it is a forum for her to write about her knitting. What she has knitted, what she’s knitting now, and also about projects she’d like to do.
It also appears to be a place to update family and friends about her life and the lives of her kids. She posts about her daughter’s swim lessons, the first day of school, and her feelings about her son going to preschool. She also writes about her community band and church.

This is a blog. It is focused on the writer’s life. She has some links on the sidebar, but there does not appear to be any linking within her posts. I’m not a big fan of the pink template, and I wonder if the About Me section is a bit too long…I don’t need to see Pam’s life story in the profile. Otherwise, it is pretty easy to follow, and I like the fact that she includes pictures of her projects.

Finally, it should be mentioned that Blood warns hobby bloggers that blogging about their hobby will result in a loss of time actually doing the hobby. Pam mentions that there are a ton of projects she’d like to do, and maybe the blog detracts from that.

My Verdict: Not my cup of tea, but a decent example of a hobby blog.

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