Sunday, September 26, 2004

I'm a Junkie (and I'm not on Drugs)

On Friday, I had a nice visit with a friend who has now graduated who I used to work with on Senate. In fact, he was really responsible for my "recruitment" two years ago. And as much as I try to deny it, I am somewhat of a Student Senate junkie. Last year, I sent out a list to my fellow Senators, which I will post here now. Much of this list still remains true, and I've even added another item.

You Know You’re A BSU Student Senate Junkie When….

You have been known to spend more time in the office than in your dorm room.

You actually know what the MSUSA fee on your bill is for.

You know what the Revenue Fund is

You’re on a first name basis with at least one BSU VP.

When someone says “NCHEMS” you know what it is.

A TV station interviews some students from another school, and you know all of them.

You know what MnSCU is and can name at least five trustees.

You know what a quote board is.

You could care less that Friends is ending, because you haven’t seen it in at least a year.

At one time or another, you’ve had a strange nickname.

You’ve been told You answer questions “ like a politician.”

You actually notice it when other meetings don’t follow parli pro.

You know what “parli pro” means.

You once gave the office phone number when asked for your own.

Other Senators actually worry about you if you’re not in the office.

You know where the term “obsign” originated, and you rarely do it.

You assign double meanings to things certain colleagues say.

You get “fired” on a daily basis

You use the Senate computers regularly, but still can’t remember how to print double sided.

You know “Joanie” is NOT from Arkansas.

Within the last hour, you've started two more blogs, one for your committee notes, and another for the newly created web team.

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