Sunday, September 12, 2004

Blogging Blogs: "Midnight Rantings"

It’s election season and a lot of people are thinking about politics. This guy is one of the millions of undecided voters out there. He does some discussion of our political parties, and the news of the day. He’s clearly a disenfranchised voter, who really doesn’t think that either Bush or Kerry is worth voting for. In an early post, he says he thinks he’ll end up “throwing his vote away” in November. Presumably, he means that he will end up voting for a third party.

You know, that’s really sad. What kind of a system do we have when neither the Republican nor the Democratic candidate seems worth voting for? What kind of a system do we have when voters have been conditioned to believe that they are “throwing away” a vote by voting for a third party? Aren’t we supposed to be able to vote our conscience? The system is messed up.

And that’s what this blogger is talking about. “Midnight Rantings” is a way for him to rant somewhat…to vent frustrations and raise questions about our political system, the candidates, media bias, and the like. And he makes some great points.

Style wise, I’d call Midnight Rantings a cross between a blog and a notebook. He posts about his personal feelings, but it’s not really a “personal” blog…his entries are developed around news stories and current events, feelings about the campaign, etc. He has no intent of telling us what he ate for breakfast. There are gaps in the postings, but he seems to average about a post every two days.

The blog is more developed than the first one I blogged on…it has been kept longer, has links on the sidebar, a blogroll and an email link. All blogs develop the longer you keep them (I should also mention that upon further pondering, I’ve concluded that Aimless is a cross blog/notebook and in fact leans closer to the blog side) One thing I do not like about Midnight Rantings is the fact that the archives are set up so that each day is individually listed. Having to click on every entry to read it instead of getting a group of them at once kind of annoys me.

My verdict: Worth a look if you don’t mind reading about a “Tired World”, as the author puts it.

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