Sunday, September 12, 2004

Blogging Blogs Finale: "raise your hand if you're absent"

For the fifth and final installment of Blogging Blogs, I’ll return to the subject of teaching. Yes, after starting off with Aimless, the chronicle of a student teaching internship, I’ve come full circle and decided to wrap up this assignment with “raise your hand if you’re absent”: adventures and misadventures in the life of a first year teacher.

The blogger, known here as Teacher Lady, is a 22 year old recent college grad who has just been hired to teach English at a Pennsylvania high school. As someone who plans to teach English at the high school level, it peaked my interest.

This is a blog/notebook. The blogger started to write just prior to her first inservice, and her postings deal with her daily experiences and feelings as a new teacher. The entries are fairly focused. There are a couple of links, but they are definitely of secondary importance compared to the text. It appears to have been updated every few days, amounting to about twice per week.

I like this blog because she talks about some of the very same things we are discussing in my Education courses right now, including:

-Frustration with certain aspects of the school where you work
-Lack of a permanent classroom, a “home base”
-Sudden onset of Adulthood, weird feeling being the teacher instead of the student
-Lesson planning
-Connecting with students (and other teachers)
-Love for the job

This post about teachers being human is pretty cool. All teachers have faults. It’s amazing how many students seem to have this misconception of teachers as people who are always working and never leave the school, or as people who don’t make mistakes.

My Verdict: A cool blog to watch, especially for Ed. Majors.

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