Sunday, September 05, 2004

Exploring the Blogsphere

I've been spending the last couple days playing around with this blog, and also looking around at other blogs. Actually, I've been regularly reading a few of the Daybookblogs for the last few months.

There appears to be a wide range of stuff there. Some of the students have very general, journal style blogs. Others have very focused writing. Some appear to be updated daily, while others appear to have been let go with the end of the semester. I wonder what causes people to keep going vs abandoning their blogs? Is the motivation the same as with jourals, or is it different?

I've also ventured beyond the daybook by clicking on the NavBar in Blogger. Most blogs that I've come across there seem to be fairly new, but I've stumbled across a few that appear to be more developed. Also, I visited the About section of Blogger, learned that it's part of Google, and after clicking a series of links, came upon the blog of its founder.

Off to surf some more...

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