Friday, September 10, 2004

Feeling Fantastic!

I've noticed people have this habit of posting their mood on blogs. Well let the record show that at 10:33 PM on September 10, 2004, I, Berne, am in an absolutely fantastic mood!

It's been a wild week. My emotions have run the gamut: Happy, sad, confused, overwhelmed, shocked, frustrated. You name it, I've felt it at one time or another in the past 5 days.

Part of it stems from classes. It's the typical Fall feeling all of us get: the realization that September has arrived, it will be gone before we know it, and we better get our shit together so that we are able to survive the next nine months. It's not quite as bad this year, since I was in class over the summer, but there's still a degree of adjustment back into routine, especially considering my packed schedule of classes, work, practicums and Senate activities.

For those who don't know, I am a student senator here at BSU. I really like my job representing students, and have a lot of fun. Wednesday night was our second meeting of the year, and I feel like it's going to be a good and productive year. I was reappointed as Student Services Chair, so if any of my fellow students out there have concerns about res life, the union, student conduct, technology, and a bunch of other things I won't list right now, I'm your man.

Of course, the first Senate meetings of the year also come with a twinge of sadness, just like the last ones. It may sound weird, but these are the meetings when it really sinks in that people are gone. Whether it be graduated, tranferred, or resigned, there is turnover from spring to fall. It just seems weird to sit in a meeting and realize that people you are so used to seeing all the time aren't around anymore. On the other hand, it is always nice to bring some new people and ideas into the mix.

The third thing that has weighed heavily on my mind this week is friendship. A few days ago, a good friend of mine opened up to me like never before. What I learned took me by surprise, and I've spent many hours trying to make sense of what I was told, and respond. I only discuss this here in general terms because of the public nature of these postings, but also because the information I learned from this person doesn't really matter...that is, it will not change our friendship...if the last 3 days have done anything, they've made it stronger. Each of us is now more aware than ever of an unshakeable mutual respect and trust, which is a wonderful thing!

And that, my loyal readers, is why I feel FANTASTIC!

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