Friday, September 03, 2004

Wow! I was able to successfully link to a URL! It has been so long since I did HTML coding of any kind. Actually, probably about 2 years, since the time I created a website for my high school's student council. A site that has long since died. Thank goodness for Blood Appendix II...I needed a refresher course. Now, If I could just figure out how to set up a blogroll and some links to favorite sites...can't wait to get my hands on that Stone book.

It is now Friday night, the end of the first week of classes. Does anyone ever notice that the first week of class always seems extremely long? I think I will enjoy my courses, the education ones will definitely be the hardest. Ed Psych and Foundations of course. All in all, I'm fairly glad to be back. I can't help but wonder if my sister, who should be moving in to the UMD dorms tonight, will enjoy school.

Well, must eat. More later.

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