Thursday, September 09, 2004

Summerhill or SummerHELL?

It's 11 pm and I've been home from Foundations class about an hour. It is a long class, but it isn't too bad. Today we watched part of this movie about an exestential school in England where there are no rules, and the kids run wild and cuss like sailors. What a disaster area...they call THAT education? I think I'll stick to the US of A thank you very much.


Mrs. Cournia said...

Is the movie called Summerhill? That sounds intriguing and I wouldn't mind checking it out. I can't believe anyone would even TRY a rule-less school. There's no way that could work...and isn't it a little unethical to ruin those kids like that? It would be hard to un-do the damage done by that school.

Berne said...

Yes, its called Summerhill. Don't know if you can find it anywhere like at video stores. See Dr. Alberti in the Professional Education office