Monday, September 13, 2004

Rant time

Ok...I'm exploring the blogsphere again and realize that I am absolutely sick and tired of seeing people make absolutely outlandish claims that have little or no basis in rational thought. Anything from hasty generalizations, to statistics that can't possiblly be based on any scientific fact in the universe! Yes, it's our own space, and we can basically say whatever we want, but good lord...some people out there are just plain wacko, and/or so utterly convinced of the superiority of their own ideals as compared to others that it makes me sick.

And if you're going to post something controversial or questionable, don't follow it up with "this claim will be backed up later"....sheesh!

Be smart about what you post and critical of what you read. There's a lot of BS rhetoric out there, don't fall for it!

1 comment:

Berne said...

Point well taken. But also remember that if blogs are used to vent frustration and encourage people to think, that's exactly what the intent of my post A. Rant about something (Ranting by its very nature isn't always "on base" and B. Encourage people to think about what they are reading. I HAVE read Blood 4, and have nothing against expression, I just happen to prefer it when people back up what they say, that is all.

I do appreciate the comments. That's what this is all about!